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Watch 18. RadioIsotope Dating 2: Implications & Carbon-14

Watch 18. RadioIsotope Dating 2: Implications & Carbon-14


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18. RadioIsotope Dating 2: Implications & Carbon-14

Creation Bundle • 18m
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19. Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Andrew Snelling explores how the scale of geologic processes, such as volcanic eruptions, was much larger in the past. He then shows how Catastrophic Plate Tectonics helps explain the geologic processes that caused the global Flood.

20. Evidence for a Young Earth

Dr. Andrew Snelling discusses geological evidences for a young earth, including the large extent of rock layers, a lack of significant erosion between layers, and an absence of major bioturbation within layers. The Coconino Sandstone provides abundant evidence of underwater origin. He and Del Tac...

1. Introduction to Created Kinds

Todd Wood introduces the concept of ‘created kinds’ then talks about how that explains the origin of species we see in the world today.